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Blood Oxygen App

Take care of your health


Monitor SpO2 with Apple Watch sync.

alerts for low oxygen levels.

Measure heart rate and analyze HRV.
Effortlessly track blood pressure trends.

Access 8 techniques for relaxation and focus.

Sync with Apple Health and share reports.


Heart rate variability (HRV)
is among the most important Heart health metric, click to learn more?

We enable on-demand HRV reading,
currently, the watch only takes reading randomly, thus a user cannot co-relate his/her current health state with the reading. We  remedy that with on-demand HRV reading where a user can add context like 'feeling low', 'high workload' etc.


Easy to understand insights,
we breakdown your heart readings into multiple technical metrics, but also in easy to track metrics like Stress, Energy & Overall health index


Health tracking,
heart health, g
eneral fitness or stress management, track your health for making informed lifestyle decisions.

Actionable guidance,
based on your current and long term readings,
to push or to relax today? to take that workload today or not? Make informed plans accordingly.

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